Pan-Maturing Process may be a universal peculiar process that happens to human being at different age groups, cultural backgrounds, geographical locations and social environments. It will stimulate the mentality of individual to a higher level of mentality maturing. Maturing in the sense individual will fully synchronize to the environment and believe the cause of this synchronization is due to spiritual. This article attempts to explain this peculiar phenomenon from the perspective of science.

Limitation of Proof - The Segregation 實證的極限-區隔

Back to the familiar scenario inside the office room to see another feature of this Pan Maturing Process; the segregation.
讓我們回到辦公室內熟悉的情景去看看另一個泛成長過程的特點; 區隔。
Now, knocking at the door is another person D. Before D knocked on the door, the room is already in a sense filing up with curious atmosphere. Such atmosphere is expressed through A, B and C facials and body behaviors; they all seem to have slight sharpen face, squeezed nose and curled fingers, typical psychosis symptoms. While D enters the room such curious atmosphere immediately strengthens with more emphases on A, B and C psychosis symptoms. D also walk in with slight sharpen face, squeezed nose and curled finger….D comes in to hand over a bundle of document to A and then leave. A, B and C note the curious atmosphere and see how D behaved, but D has not noted any changes in atmosphere; all the sharpen face, squeezed nose and curl fingers to D is absolutely ignorance of what is going on! In another word D sees nothing happen, why he can not feels and sees what A, B and C do have?
現在,敲門要進入辦公室的是另一位人士;D君,在D君未敲門之前,辦公室裡早已經彌漫著奇特的氛圍。這種奇特的氛圍可通過A君, B君和C君的臉部表情和身體的姿態來表現; 他們似乎都呈現出輕微銳化的臉孔,夾緊的鼻子和捲曲的手指---典型的精神病症狀。當D君進入辦公室時這種怪異的氛圍立即加強,A君, B君和C君的精神病症狀變得更加巖重。 D君走進時也呈現出輕微銳化的臉孔,夾緊的鼻子和捲曲的手指......。 D君進來後把一捆文件交給A君,然後離開。 A君, B君和C君都感覺到這奇特的氛圍,也看到D君的怪異行為,但D君完全沒有注意到有任何氛圍變化; 所有尖銳的臉孔,夾緊的鼻子和捲曲的手指對D君來說他是完全沒法體會到有這樣一回事!換句話說D君根本看不到這奇特的氛圍,為什麼他不能感覺到和看到A君, B君和C君能感覺到和看到的怪異氛圍?
Again what is actually going on with this curious scenario? Why D has no awareness at all? In this typical scenario, B and C thought that D has long been gone through the Pan Maturing Process, where as A knew D has still not yet under go the process, as A in few occasions has tested D.
到底這怪異且熟悉的情景是怎麼一回事?為什麼D君完全沒有察覺出這個怪異的現象呢?在這種典型的情景裡, B君和C君認為D君一定早已經經歷了泛成長過程,但是A君知道D君至今尚未經歷該過程,因為A君測試了D君好幾次。
We are now reaching the most difficult area to prove the existing of Pan Maturing Process; the segregation. The segregation of experienced and inexperienced has impressive impacts on the searching of whether a Pan Maturing Process for human being social behaviors existed.
我們現在正進入一個要證明泛成長過程是否有存在的難關; 區隔。區隔有經歷的人和沒有經歷的人,對於搜查是否泛成長過程有在人類行為及社會中存在, 有著極其深刻的影響。
The experienced persons and inexperienced persons are all living in the same environment; the inexperienced persons behave like experienced persons without awareness of their own behavior are the same as those experienced individuals who have gone through the Pan Maturing Process.
有經驗的人和沒有經驗的人都生活在同一個環境; 沒有經驗的人表現得像有經驗的人一樣但同時又沒有意識到自己的行為是相同於那些有經歷過泛成長過程的人們。
This will put the collection of statistic data of Pan Maturing Process into much difficulty. This is because those who have experienced will likely tend to hide themselves by pretending as if they are the inexperienced. If they admitted they have gone through the Process then the terms mental disorder, mental patient and psychosis etc and all the unpleasant wording and descriptions will be flooded to them.
這將使收集泛成長過程的統計數據有著極大的困難。這是因為,那些有經驗的人可能會趨向於隱藏自己, 假裝好像他們也是沒有經驗的人。如果他們承認他們有經歷了泛成長過程, 那些術語, 措辭和描述如精神障礙,精神病患者和精神病等等將排山倒海的把他們淹沒。
Besides being discriminated, what if the experienced person tells an inexperience person that Pan Maturing Process existed; will the inexperienced individual believe him? Then we come to the question; how does the experienced person be able to justify the experiences he has experienced with his inexperienced peers alike?
除了受到歧視,如果有經驗的人告訴那些沒有經驗的人泛成長過程是有存在的; 沒有經驗的人將會相信他嗎?我們來到一個難題;有經驗的人如何向那些沒有經驗的同輩證實他的經歷呢?
To an inexperienced person, we are afraid we are unable to prove this process for him.
The Segregation is mean to create a barrier of understanding for the inexperienced and  create a fear for experienced to pretend as an inexperienced person. Hence enhances the Pan Maturing Process to a more impressive feeling of fear on the synchronized phenomenon and its traumatized effect, submissive effect as well as any further effects caused by this synchronized phenomenon relate to the Pan Maturing Process.
區隔的目的是旨在建立一個障礙; 使沒有經驗的人無法理解這一個過程,更創造一個恐懼的氛圍讓每一個有經驗的人都得裝作沒有經驗。因此,區隔增強了泛成長過程中令人印象深刻的恐懼感, 如同步現象及其創傷的影響,順從同步現象的影響以及任何和同步現象所造成的影響。
Due to the fact that we can not prove to the inexperience regarding the existence of Pan Maturing Process, we therefore have to limit our discussion with the experienced and be the first group of people to do so with acknowledges that such segregation is just a barrier to block the further discovering of truth. Whether this barrier is artificial or natural phenomenon is yet to be discovered.
由於我們不能向沒有經驗的人證明有關泛成長過程的存在,因此,我們只能限制我們自己和一批有經驗的人討論經驗這一過程, 並且是第一批人認知這種區隔只是為了阻止我們進一步發現事實。置於這是否是人為的障礙或是自然現像我們還須要再加以研究和揭露。
Further proof at this very moment will be rather difficult; for example exploiting the awareness of synchronized interaction between the experienced persons like A, B and C to prove these interaction existence, will face the random occurrences of the synchronized interactions, as these occurrences are very much occasional rather than consistently; not necessary it will interact when a gathering held at any time, it is rather difficult to predict the onset of this synchronized influence.
在目前這一個時刻要進一步證明有關泛成長過程的存在將是相當困難的; 例如利用A君; B君和C君同步感應來証實熟悉的情景的存在, 將面臨隨機出現的同步感應,因為這些同步感應是非常偶發的並且沒有一貫性, 不是每一次的集會都會有同步感應,因此很難預測的到幾時有同步感應的影響。
Only those experienced persons can sense the onset without much difficulty. The proofs are merely depending on the honesty of these experienced persons, if they refuse to tell the truth, due to the fear on the traumatized effect of synchronized phenomenon, then the statistic of proof will be very much distorted.

