Pan-Maturing Process may be a universal peculiar process that happens to human being at different age groups, cultural backgrounds, geographical locations and social environments. It will stimulate the mentality of individual to a higher level of mentality maturing. Maturing in the sense individual will fully synchronize to the environment and believe the cause of this synchronization is due to spiritual. This article attempts to explain this peculiar phenomenon from the perspective of science.

Introduction 導言

Beside the physical maturity of human being, there is another peculiar maturity, this maturity is more on the mentality and process for this maturing is consider as painful and intolerable and this project is intended to reveal this process. Pan-Maturing Process may be a universal peculiar process that happened to human being at different age groups, cultural backgrounds, geographical locations as well as social environments (the word “Pan” being used is exactly expressing the wide scope of the process). This process will stimulate the mentality of individual human being to a higher level of mentality maturing. Maturing in the sense that individual will fully synchronize to the environment and believe the cause of this synchronization is due to spiritual or religious force. During the onset of the process, the surrounding people as well as the environment interact as if they are in a system of perfect synchronization.
人類除了本身身體機能的自然成長外,還有另外一個獨特的自然成長現象,這個獨特的自然成長現像是著重於心理的成長,然而這成長現像是極其痛苦和難以容忍的。這一篇論述志在揭示這一奇特的成長進程。在這成長過程中,個人的精神心理素質將被刺激朝向更高層次的成熟。所謂成熟的意思是; 在這高層次的成熟後, 個人將完全能和自然環境同步的溝通,並認為造成這種同步的溝通是由於鬼神的作祟或宗教的力量。當這成長過程啟動時,周圍的人以及環境都會相互共鳴,形成一個完美的同步體系。
The sequences of this synchronization process experienced by the individual under going the process are reckoned as real. People who have experienced the Pan-Maturing Process will percept the onset of interaction that the under-process individual experienced yet they tend to deny the process.
當一個人經歷這個奇特的成長進程時,他會把這進程中所經歷那些不可思議的事件看作為不可忽視的事實。那些在之前已經擁有經驗的人也能感應到及能和這一個剛剛體會這奇特成長進程的人一起互動, 然而他們往往卻對這新手加以否認有這麼一個奇特的成長過程。
The sequences of this process and continuation of this self authenticate perception on interaction of the synchronization will result in the individual feeling being controlled and eventually result in a change of individual’s perception or vision in their lives. This will finally develop into a much more fixed patterns of synchronization with the environment with the belief in the spiritual and religious faith and endlessly or occasionally (according to the patterns) use the skills he learnt from this synchronized process to search the guardian from the divine.
當一個人持續經歷這一序列奇特的成長進程時,他將因為不停的受到周邊一切事件都在同一時間內相互相應的干擾,開始自我感覺到被受控制最終導致改變其個人的人生觀。當他持續的自我和周邊一切事件同時相互相應後, 他將自我發展出一套固定且能和周邊一切事件同位相應的反應, 並相信這是由於鬼神的作怪或宗教的力量所造成的。更他會不停的或偶而利用他在這奇特的成長進程中所學會的同位相應之技巧來追求神靈的保佑。
The relation of Pan-Maturing Process and the clinical mental disorder have been indicated in the video clip:
泛成長過程和臨床精神障礙的關係將顯示在以下的視頻剪輯: Video

